Arrivés ” en haut ” de Bornéo, nous avons continué notre tour des parcs nationaux, des iles aussi belles les unes que les autres et rencontrés plein de motards et motardes locaux( les),
Arrived at the top of Borneo, we continued our tour of national parks, we saw beautiful sandy islands and met a lot of malaysian bikers

Our one month trip in the state of Sabah

On the northern tip of Borneo

A few days before the end of the trip, what is he thinking about ?

One of the latest desert island we visited

The latest chinese conquest

Chinese photo pose

With Tawau’s bikers

Warning, elephants crossing

Like in the TV serie “Love boat” !!!

In Borneo’s “Green Hell”

A new species of orangutan

Mud bath on Tiga’s island. Before….

…and after. Then rincing in the see

Mount Kinabalu, 4095 m, the highest peak in South East Asia

Night out on the Kinabatangan River

Favorit position at the end of the trip
La moto a quitté l’ île de Bornéo par voie aérienne et nous l’avons suivi quelques jours plus tard pour Kuala Lumpur où elle va estiver pendant quelques mois en attendant qu’Yves viennent la réveiller……
The bike left Borneo island to the main land by cargo flight to Kuala Lumpur where it will be stored during a few months waiting Yves to ride it again .

Receipt of the motobike at Kuala Lumpur

Revision of the bike at Sony Cycle Kuala Lumpur after a year of good and loyal services

Steven and Yves, last meal with the motorbike guardian